Profit Distribution Policies


Seikagaku’s policy on shareholder returns is to aim for stable and continuous  dividends in terms of a medium- to long-term perspective and to continue paying an annual dividend of ¥26 per share. Seikagaku will also consider purchases of treasury stock, as appropriate, taking into account future business development and the total return ratio.

Share buy-backs in the past

    Period of acquisition

Total number of

shares acquired

Aggregate amount of

acquisition cost

 From June 15, 2018

 to July 4, 2018

200,000 shares 302 million yen

 From July 1, 2016

 to July 29, 2016

200,000 shares 332 million yen

 From November 11, 2008

 to November 27, 2008

200,000 shares 196 million yen

 From May 15, 2008

 to June 19, 2008

500,000 shares 551 million yen

 From May 15, 2007

 to July 24, 2007

500,000 shares 689 million yen

 From August 4, 2005

 to November 2, 2005

467,400 shares 562 million yen

Business Investment

Seikagaku aims to enhance shareholder returns and to realize sustained growth through well-balanced business investment in R&D, production system development, and other areas.