Keenly aware of the importance of protecting the global environment and the responsibilities associated with manufacturing activities, Seikagaku observes environment-related laws and regulations and voluntarily engages in environmentally friendly business activities. We aim to balance environmental measures and business growth by continuing the energy-saving activities implemented heretofore and strengthening initiatives for efficient utilization of water resources, waste reduction and recycling, and other environmental improvements.

We have established the Energy Conservation Promotion Committee with the objective of promoting energy conservation activities and reducing CO2 emissions and are managing energy use, implementing improvement measures for achieving energy use reduction targets established at each business site, and conducting energy conservation-related education and training. Furthermore, we have put in place a structure for increasing groupwide efficiency in which the Committee coordinates energy use and CO2 emissions volume and reduction measures each fiscal year, reports to the Management Committee, and discusses these matters. At the Takahagi Plant, the production site that uses the most energy, we have increased thermal efficiency and reduced CO2 emissions by updating boilers to convert boiler fuel from heavy fuel oil A to high-efficiency liquid natural gas (LNG). Furthermore, we have reduced energy use through initiatives such as conversion to LED lighting fixtures at production sites and laboratories and repairing and reinforcing steam pipes and steam traps. In this way, by continuously engaging in energy conservation activities groupwide, we have achieved our average energy reduction rate targets for the five years up to fiscal 2021.

Energy Use

(Crude oil equivalent calculated based on a unit energy consumption reference value)

Business sites 2018/03 2019/03 2020/03 2021/03 2022/03
Takahagi Plant 7,856 7,621 7,377 7,270 7,048
Kurihama Plant 3,252 3,381 3,269 3,156 3,094
Central Research / CMC Laboratories 1,701 1,751 1,775 1,780 1,795
Head Office 70 60 57 50 47
Total 12,880 12,812 12,478 12,256 11,983


CO2 Emissions

Business sites 2018/03 2019/03 2020/03 2021/03 2022/03
Takahagi Plant 16,356 15,573 15,039 14,536 14,091
Kurihama Plant 6,300 6,462 6,198 5,905 5,845
Central Research / CMC Laboratories 3,300 3,335 3,348 3,302 3,368
Head Office 128 108 102 87 80
Total 26,084 25,478 24,687 23,831 23,385


Water Pollution Load(COD)

Business sites 2018/03 2019/03 2020/03 2021/03 2022/03
Takahagi Plant 2.2 2.7 2.3 3.1 2.3
Kurihama Plant 8.9 12.5 16.3 15.0 12.5
Central Research / CMC Laboratories 10.0 9.9 9.7 8.2 7.9