
We were awarded a Silver Medal (top 25%) from EcoVadis in the 2023 evaluation.
EcoVadis provides a platform for holistic evaluation of corporate social responsibility and sustainability.
The EcoVadis Sustainability Rating covers a broad range of management systems including Environmental, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement impacts. Each company is rated on the material issues as they pertain to their company's size, location and industry.


CDP 【CDP Climate Change Disclosure】

We earned a “B” score from CDP in the 2023 Climate Change evaluation.
CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs a global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions seeking to manage their environmental impacts.
CDP provides a platform for disclosure of information specific to the environmental sector, including greenhouse gas emissions and actions for climate change.


Classification and Evaluation System for Businesses Based on Japanese Law

The Act on Rationalizing Energy Use and Shifting to Non-fossil Energy requires businesses above a certain scale to submit an annual report on their energy consumption, and encourages them to review and plan initiatives for energy conservation and conversion to non-fossil energy.
All businesses are placed into four classes (S, A, B, or C) based on the content of the submitted reports; Class-S businesses are announced on the website of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as excellent businesses.
We were classified as Class-S in the evaluation of energy conservation performance for FY2021 (the most recent survey) in recognition of our continuous efforts toward energy-consumption reduction.