Seikagaku considers human resources to be an important corporate asset and works to develop talented people capable of creating new value. To ensure that the contributions and successes of diverse employees are the driver of Seikagaku’s sustained growth, under the following policies we will prepare an environment, systems, programs, and mechanisms to enable all employees to fully demonstrate their capabilities.
Seikagaku seeks to cultivate and develop human resources with the following attributes by providing fields in which employees can grow and combining systematic education through a variety of training programs, workplace education through day-to-day work, and job rotation.
1) Employees who understand and put into practice our core values “creativity,” “fairness,” and "dreams and passion” and are capable of self-growth while fulfilling their roles with a sense of responsibility
2) Autonomous employees who pursue upskilling and career development and produce results by working with enthusiasm and pride
3) Employees who consider the balance of quality, cost, and delivery and are always cognizant of productivity improvement as they go about their work
4) Employees who promptly respond to changing circumstances in Japan and overseas and innovate their work
5) Employees who endeavor to expand the scope of their work and demonstrate leadership and membership according to the situation
6) Employees who have the knowledge and refinement of an internationally-minded person

Seikagaku seeks to strengthen the business foundation in order to achieve sustained growth through enhancement of employee engagement along with organizational strengthening and human resource development.
• Continuously revise personnel systems pertaining to competency grades, wages, evaluation, etc., and improve treatment of older employees, which contributes to improvement of employee motivation.
• Engage in systematic recruiting activities with diversity in mind and make employee assignments and undertake employee development to ensure that the resulting diversity fully contributes to business activities.
• To develop autonomous employees, enhance the systematic education curriculum for employees at every level, starting from the beginning of employment, and engage in systematic education and training, including consideration of job rotation.
• Implement workstyle reforms and measures to improve work-life balance, such as the introduction of a work-from-home system that has improved the work environment.
• Enhance mental health care measures and health promotion activities in order to appropriately manage and promote employee physical and mental health.