Basic policy on profit distributions

As a means of ensuing sustainable profit growth and improving corporate value, Seikagaku believes in the sharing of profits with its shareholders.

Seikagaku considers the return of profits to shareholders to be an important management challenge and has made paying dividends linked to business performance a basic policy. Seikagaku will also consider the purchase of treasury stock as appropriate, taking into consideration future business expansion and the total return ratio.

To strengthen the profit foundation and improve capital efficiency, Seikagaku will make business investments in the areas of R&D and production system development for the purpose of creating new value and also actively pursue strategic investments with prospects for future growth and synergistic effects.

Looking at shareholder returns during the period of the current mid-term management plan, Seikagaku paid annual dividends of ¥26 per share for fiscal 2019 and ¥24 per share for fiscal 2020. We will strive to maintain consistent shareholder returns in fiscal 2021, aiming for a dividend payout ratio of 50%, taking into consideration business profits and other factors.


FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025
Dividend Per Share(yen) 1Q ------
2Q 13.0010.0015.0013.0013.0015.00
3Q ------
FY-End 13.0014.0015.0013.0013.0015.00
Total 26.0024.0030.0026.0026.0030.00
Amount of Dividends(million yen) 1,4661,3541,6871,4261,418-
Payout Ratio(%) -31.845.264.264.947.4
Ratio of Total Amount of Dividends to Net Assets(%)

Share buy-backs in the past