Seikagaku Corporation recognizes that global warming is a critical challenge facing the world and sees the contribution to a sustainable society an important mission for the company.
As a pharmaceutical company and as a member of society, Seikagaku Corporation aims to achieve balance between environmental measures and the company’s growth and will implement initiatives to promote business activities with a low adverse impact on the environment.
1.Scope of application
This Policy applies to all directors, officers, and employees of Seikagaku Corporation and its subsidiaries.
2.Environment-friendly business activities
We pursue environmental impact reduction in all aspects of our business activities and strive to continuously maintain
and improve our environmental performance.
3.Environmental impact reduction, biodiversity preservation
We work to mitigate climate change and adapt to its impacts and to prevent pollution, recycle resources,
effectively use energy and water resources, and preserve biodiversity.
4.Legal compliance
We engage in environmental protection activities in compliance with the applicable environment protection related laws,
regulations, and voluntary control standards of the countries and regions in which we operate.
5.Partnership with society
We strive for environmental protection in partnership with all of our stakeholders, including our business partners.
6.Education and awareness activities
We work to increase the environmental consciousness of each individual employee through environment-related education
and awareness activities.
7.Information disclosure and communication
We strive to earn the trust of society through disclosure of environment related information and communication
with local communities.
April 24, 2023

President & CEO