Seikagaku has two business segments. In the Pharmaceuticals business, we offer a range of original products that leverage technologies and knowledge cultivated over many years as a glycoscience pioneer. In the LAL business, we offer endotoxin-detecting reagents and other products.
The Pharmaceuticals business is Seikagaku Corporation’s core business. Seikagaku manufactures and provides pharmaceuticals and medical devices made with GAG, as well as enzymes that act on GAG. GAG stands for glycosaminoglycans such as hyaluronic acid or chondroitin sulfate, the main ingredients in Seikagaku products. GAG is also a structural component of glycoconjugates. Seikagaku contributes to medical care in Japan and around the world by providing global-class high-quality products with its unique technologies. ■Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
Seikagaku engages in the LAL business, manufacturing and selling endotoxindetecting reagents used in quality control of pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturing processes as well as a beta-glucan-detecting in vitro reagent for the diagnosis of deep fungal infections.