Seikagaku Corporation recognizes that ensuring the safety and health of all employees is a matter of the utmost importance in corporate management. Under this Occupational Safety and Health Policy, we strive to create a safe and healthy workplace environment in accordance with applicable laws.

1.Scope of application

This Policy applies to all directors, officers, and employees of Seikagaku Corporation and its subsidiaries.

2.Continuous maintenance and improvement

We undertake to continuously maintain and improve our safety and health management system.

3.Legal compliance

We comply with all applicable occupational safety and health related laws and regulations in the countries and regions in which the company operates, and strive to improve the level of safety and health within our company.

4.Risk reduction and realization of a comfortable workplace environment

We endeavor to identify all work-related hazards and to undertake all reasonable steps to ensure a safe and comfortable workplace. Also, we encourage our workers and management to work in unison to maintain and improve the workplace environment through communication within the organization.

5.Education and training

We provide applicable occupational safety and health related education and training for all employees and endeavor to raise safety awareness.

6.Information disclosure

We disclose accurate and highly transparent information about this Policy, initiatives, and other matters and strive for continuous communication with stakeholders through a website and other means.

April 1, 2023
President & CEO